Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I love to teach my kids new things.  One of my favorite teaching experiences happened this summer while at the beach.  James and I were lying side by side on our towels warming up after a dip in the ocean.  I was explaining the importance of the dunes in preventing erosion of the beach.  I told him how ocean city had a serious problem in the early nineties and about how they how they had to pump sand from the ocean floor up to the beach to re-create the dunes.
He said to me. "That was so interesting.  I wish I could suddenly not know it so that you could tell me it again.". I don't know if anything captures the love of learning quite like that statement.
But, now James will be in school, and many of those wonderful moments will happen, but I won't be there to witness them.  It does make me sad, but he is excited and loved his first day.
In other news, Libby Lou is learning to write her name.  She loves to write "words", aka jibberish, or a long series of the letters n and u.
Luca is expanding his culinary repertoire to include french toast, and made it for himself and his brother on the first day of school.  He is very proud of his new skill, and if anyone comes to visit he will eagerly make you some!
PS: I am having trouble with loading pics on this app.  It cuts off the right side.  So if you'd like to see the full pick for the last two, click on the image.