Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Loopy has informed us that today was a "Scooter Day", meaning it's finally warm enough to spend time outside watching him race up and down the sidewalk on our neighbor's scooter. Our irises look like giant menacing upturned butcher knives and the grape hyacinth bloomed two days ago. Luca was bold (ambivalent) enough to enter the mean neighbor's back yard and pick some of their daffodils. What all this means is that spring has arrived. Here is a picture of Luca and James "being cats" on B-Beck's bed. James was born on the vernal equinox. If you've ever lived in Ithaca you remember that this is a quasi religious day celebrated by loading the kids and dogs into your bumperstickered volvo to head out to the woods to sit around a fire strumming folk songs and comparing the grayness of your beard.