I've heard of middle child syndrome, and I think James displays many of the classic symptoms. But, here's the thing. I would estimate that James takes in about 75% of my "parenting" efforts, or attention. You know the saying that the "squeaky wheel gets the grease", well this little boy is very squeaky. Squeaky, hilarious, quirky, and loud. One of James's special activities right now is Joy School. It's a home based preschool program that you can download. A few of us moms are doing it together. James loves his preschool group. He likes to pack his backpack and pretend the van is a school bus. He loves the songs and rhymes we do. This week he and another kid called their farewells as we loaded our vans..."See you at the next joy school!" they yelled to one another.

This week we took a nature walk and it was a great opportunity to capture pics of all the kiddos.

This girl is a little ham. She will smile and pose all day for pictures.

Her sister, harder to capture. But look at the grasshopper on her jacket!

Collecting leaves, and talking about all the colors we could find in nature.

He was not really sure about me. But such a handsome little guy...wish I could have gotten a better shot of his eyes. They're amazing.