Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Normally I don't find pictures of messy kids all that cute. They just make me feel really tired. But I had to show you this one. The look of pride on her face while she attempted to feed herself a yogurt was almost worth the mess in her hair, on the chair, floor, tablecloth....etc.

She absolutely wouldn't let me feed her anyway. Libby is a very independent little gal. Now if only she would let me show her how to keep the spoon right side up.

And now a shout out to Pap-pap. He is about to under-go open heart surgery as I type this. We expect great results from the surgery, and hope for a quick recovery. About independent gals...I don't know if I ever will be. A girl needs her dad forever. Here's to mine, and many more days, and many more dances to come.