James 7th birthday party happened today. I really enjoyed this one. The experiments were so fun and I loved the expressions of awe on the kids faces.

This ice cream jello was a hit!

Swirled colors in milk was our first experiment. So simple and several of the kids said this was their favorite.

Elephant toothpaste, a hydrogen peroxide experiment, was another crowd pleaser.

We made slime with glue and borax, which also doubled as the party favor (you're welcome moms and dads!)

We had specimen jars to guess how many.

Make your own molecule with fruit, mini-marshmellows, and toothpicks.

The kids were so cute in lab coats and safety glasses.

This ice cream jello was a hit!

Swirled colors in milk was our first experiment. So simple and several of the kids said this was their favorite.

Elephant toothpaste, a hydrogen peroxide experiment, was another crowd pleaser.

We made slime with glue and borax, which also doubled as the party favor (you're welcome moms and dads!)

We had specimen jars to guess how many.

Make your own molecule with fruit, mini-marshmellows, and toothpicks.

The kids were so cute in lab coats and safety glasses.