Monday, August 24, 2015

First day of school

5th grade

2nd grade

Home for one more year, but still wants a picture.

The boys finally succumbed to haircuts last night. Although, only a trim, it helped clean them up a bit. They're trying to grow long hair. James wants to look like Ron Weasley. Libby likes to style their hair and last night she drew hairstyle options on index cards. Here's one:

End of summer sample

Anyone from where I grew up knows what "ride" has this sign.

We went on one of the hottest days of the summer, and despite the crowds, we were still Hersheypark Happy!

We were lucky to be guests of the Benfields in Avalon. It was a beautiful weekend at the beach.

I love when my kids work alongside me in the kitchen. James and Libby quartered all the tomatoes for canning. I love how snarled Libby's hair is in this picture. She just rolled out of bed and wanted to help me. I've cut her hair now and it looks much more respectable, but I kind of miss the mess.

Friday, August 7, 2015


We were lucky to have some good friends join us for a few days.

And here is the beach lady. She makes the trip for us. From waking up and making waffles, to riding the waves and catching kids in the pool. Pap-pap, while not pictured, makes many moments possible. While we walked the beach in the evening, he stayed back with sleeping tommy. He also took the boys to buy some "fancy" (as described by James) new boogie boards!