Monday, June 23, 2008

Going to the Photographer

There are many books available to prepare children for experiences that may be frightening. Example: Going to the doctor, Going to the Dentist, Starting School....well we need one to prepare children for Going to the photographer. Luca was terrified and wouldn't even sit on the table. He is normally so friendly and independent but as soon as we walked in that studio he clung to my leg and started crying "I don't want to!" Its not the sort of situation where you can take the hard line, "LUCA just get up on that table and SMILE." Probably won't get the best facial expression. Eventually he warmed up and we got at least one decent shot of the two of them.


Ellen said...

I view this blog almost daily and love seeing the pictures for the second and third and more times. Rebekah just showed me how to sign up for a blog so now I can comment on yours.

The Nielsens said...

Mark is sitting on my lap wishing he could play with Luca right now. We have to get together. I love the pics, and your flowers are to die for!