It's in the middle of the night and I can't sleep. I think the problem started with hunger, and I corrected that with some lucky charms and an english muffin, but then I start thinking too much...about things I need to do or about how I'm not asleep and of course by so doing push sleep even further away. So in an effort not to do that, I'm getting up and doing something else for a couple minutes.
To explain the above pic, I'm thinking about nicknames. I have one. There is a handful of people on this planet who are more likely to call me "Nono" than Joanie. This nickname started because of my sister pictured above (although the toddler version of above sister). She figured out how to comment on my blog, and in her comment called me Nono. When we were kids, we had this book about a really naughty cat called "No, no, Joan." Maybe she just thought Nono and Joan were synonomous. Maybe my name was just too hard to say for a toddler. But my family picked up on the name. (Althought my parents quickly quelched the simultaneously developed nickname "Dodo" for my brother Gerry. They changed it to Dee-dee, which has also stuck.) My nickname quickly caught on with some of my closest friends who still call me Nono decades later.
I just really like my nickname tonight. I love that there are people out there who have been by me since I was five. I love how being called "Nono" can bring up so many different memories. I love all my family. I can hear my Dad singing... "I love Nono all the time!" Right back at you, Dad. "I love Daddy all the time."
Thanks for tolerating my sentimental middle of the night moment:)
My favorite blog message ever!!! Love you and miss you so much!!
Look at my little peenie pie in that picture, he was a little man a year ago - now he's a real man!
I just caught up on your last few blog entries. I loved reading them but it sure made me miss you.
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