Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day

Luca's face says it all. He's ready to go. He is wearing a name tag with some specific info that I thought best to black out since I'm putting this out there in the blogosphere:) So, I left my little boy sitting timidly in his seat this morning. We were rushed getting there, despite how prepared I thought we were, so I didn't have much of a chance to feel emotional about it until I walked back out to the van alone. A couple tears snuck out, and I hope nobody saw the kindergarden mom on her way out:) I couldn't help thinking about him sitting there so excited and innocent and knowing that I won't be right there beside him to cheer when things are fantastic or to comfort when they are terrible. Of course, it wouldn't be good for him if I was. I know he needs this to learn, but I've loved being home with him. It has been one of my greatest blessings.
Little James-er had to have a backpack too this morning. Complete with a packed lunch:)


The Huff Family said...

Cute picture. I can not believe that Luca and Syd are old enough for school! I hope Luca's first day went well.

Rebecca L. Miceli said...

My little peanut pie is in school!!! These pictures are so sweet. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Joanie, I was peeking at your blog to see the baby, and just kept looking. Your family is beautiful by the way! But I had to comment on this picture of Luca - I think he looks just like Gerry in that picture! Enjoy your little blessings! Love, Angela Eshleman