Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Our trip to Shenandoah was a wet one this year. I love that park and skyline drive, so my expectations were very high. Unfortunately the weather was not ideal. (Picture us huddled in a lean-to at the top of hawksbill mountain with 30 incoming college freshmen on an orientation backpacking trip.). Some of our favorite hikes to summits that usually have spectacular views, gave us nothing but fog. Since we were up in the clouds, the rain didn't fall as much as it seemed to float in the air all around you. Even so, we managed to stay mostly dry. Little Tommy was the happiest camper of all. We did 7 different hikes, around 11 miles total. Even with the bad weather, there was a lot of beauty. Like the ferns at the base of stony man. Or when the clouds parted briefly for us at the top of blackrock. And of course, on our drive home it was sunny and beautiful, so we stopped at some of our favorite overlooks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Joanie - - - Your description of a wet camping trip reminded us of some times when you were little, and we'd stay dry in the camper, ...playing cards, reading stories, and simply passing time in the beautiful natural scene. It was all still very GOOD, ...a time to refresh and renew and to get away from all the technology that makes our heads dizzy. It's all so good for kids, ...and it sure does give them an appreciation for what the pioneers faced!!! Hugs, MomMom and PapPap