Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Family Pictures

We gave it our all.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

another tooth gone

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

my project

I've been working on a project for my brother and his fiancée.  I took some engagement pictures and we're testing them out as potential save the date cards.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Highlights from philly

We rented little motorboats for a sunny afternoon on the lake.  We celebrated Libby's birthday with family.  That surrey...looks like a lot of fun...and it is if you consider an intense leg exercise fun!  We also visited the new Barnes museum.  It is an amazing building with one of the most impressive collections of impressionist paintings that I've ever seen.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

our pumpkin

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Jack the horned goat

"No more for you.  Look how wide you are!  You've had enough!". Mom-mom said to Jack the goat.   "You're awfully bold!" The animals swarmed us as soon as we entered the petting zoo.  I was actually a little scared at first and jumped up on a bench.  Libby was terrified, but then Llamas towered over her.  James was more afraid of the animal's poop.  Mom-mom loved it-like a kid in a candy store.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

She's a happy birthday girl!

Miss Libby is two.  She's shy, sweet, pouty, helpful, snuggly, and an always willing dog sitter.  She doesn't say much yet, but a constant chorus of "me!" tells us that she loves being part of everything we do!

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Sunday, September 16, 2012


I love that even in our somewhat densely populated neighborhood we can escape in a couple minutes walk to a trail like this.  We walked past the stream to the meadow with mom-mom and cuddles too.  Perfect weather and great company.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

What we're into

#1. Cupcakes.  Inspired by a college roommate's recent Facebook posts, I've been trying some new recipes.  This salted Caramel cupcake from www.browneyedbaker.com was very tasty.
#2.  Boys taking silly pics of themselves with peanut butter sandwich remnants on their faces.
#3.  Flags.  Since the recent Olympics my boys love learning and drawing the flags for the nations, and hanging them all around the house.  It's starting to look like UN headquarters around here.
#4.  Hair braiding.  I did this one on Pariya, our next door neighbor,and always willing guinea pig.  I saw a tutorial a few weeks ago online.  At the time I barely knew how to french braid at all.  An older version of myself would have instantly dismissed this as too difficult, but lately I've acquired a new "can do" attitude, and found myself capable of all sorts of unexpected things. 

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Friday, July 27, 2012

weird girl

What a silly head!

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Loved the mosaic walls near the restaurant where we had brunch for Deedee's birthday.

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

9 years

Has it been that many?  It seemed to fly.  Three kids, a minivan, and a mortgage later, I'm still that same giddy girl watching for his car to cruise down the street at the end of the day.  He is still my favorite.

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