Saturday, March 28, 2015

Mad Scientist Party

James 7th birthday party happened today. I really enjoyed this one. The experiments were so fun and I loved the expressions of awe on the kids faces.

This ice cream jello was a hit!

Swirled colors in milk was our first experiment. So simple and several of the kids said this was their favorite.

Elephant toothpaste, a hydrogen peroxide experiment, was another crowd pleaser.

We made slime with glue and borax, which also doubled as the party favor (you're welcome moms and dads!)

We had specimen jars to guess how many.

Make your own molecule with fruit, mini-marshmellows, and toothpicks.

The kids were so cute in lab coats and safety glasses.

My sister's shower

Becca's shower in New Jersey was so nice. I've really enjoyed being a part of all the excitement!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

We are enjoying the first signs of spring. Each year there is an element of surprise on that first day when the air is warm enough to shed your jacket. It's almost as if you'd forgotten it was possible during the months of cold. Almost like you doubted if spring would ever actually come. Maybe your memories of past summers, were actually some trick of your imagination. This feeling was heightened when I lived in cold grey upstate NY. But I could see the surprise and excitement on Libby's face when she ran outside in her t-shirt. Tommy was quite perplexed by the grass. I was happy to sit on the step in my barefeet and watch libby ride her bike.
I like spring. I like seasons, and probably, in the fall, I'll be just as glad when the cool breezes start again.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Why do I still blog? Momma blogs were all the rage back in 2007, but not so much in 2015. Yet I'm still at it. Mostly because I never journal and I'd like to keep some record, however minimal. And there are a couple people that still like to see it, like Jer, when riding home on the train, or my dad, or miss Erin, or heff. I think grandpa checks in now and then. So I'll keep em coming.

Libby and I went to the zoo today. Not a great pic, but great evidence of the tongue thrust problem that Luca inherited from me. The orthodontist is working on it in his case, but I fear it might be a losing battle.

This is a game we played for family night, to see which team could build the taller structure with 10 minimarshmellows and spaghetti. Jer and Libby just edged out a win over the boys.