Thursday, March 12, 2015

Why do I still blog? Momma blogs were all the rage back in 2007, but not so much in 2015. Yet I'm still at it. Mostly because I never journal and I'd like to keep some record, however minimal. And there are a couple people that still like to see it, like Jer, when riding home on the train, or my dad, or miss Erin, or heff. I think grandpa checks in now and then. So I'll keep em coming.

Libby and I went to the zoo today. Not a great pic, but great evidence of the tongue thrust problem that Luca inherited from me. The orthodontist is working on it in his case, but I fear it might be a losing battle.

This is a game we played for family night, to see which team could build the taller structure with 10 minimarshmellows and spaghetti. Jer and Libby just edged out a win over the boys.


Anonymous said...

Nono, you always manage to make your blog posts these wonderful little intimate glimpses into the kinds of moments that many people don't think to capture. I really appreciate them, since I never get to see you, and I feel like I get to know a little bit of your kids' personalities through it. I'm sure it must feel one-sided, but I'll bet more people than you think are paying attention! Love, Wawa

Anonymous said...

I confess, ...I am drawn to your blog daily... it's my daily fix of grandkids photos & stories, ...I find myself re-reading your old posts again and again, sometimes gaining new insight & appreciation for your thoughts. Joanie - - - please keep 'em coming! It's a fabulous way to chronicle your busy wonderful life with those 4 great kids & 1 awesome husband!!! xoxoxo you-know-who

Jared and Laurel said...

I'm glad you still blog! Even though I rarely get a chance to look at my friends' blogs, it's great to catch up with the Fairbanks' goings-on from the last few months. :D Plus you have such great pictures! I love to see how big the kids are getting. We miss you guys!