Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pear jam

Stuck at the house waiting for dishwasher repair man.  We made a pear cinnamon jam that was so good the boys scraped the pot clean with spoons.  This one was so tasty James forbade me to give any away to friends.  The recipe was from a blog I like called foodinjars.
The last lid just popped down making that lovely popping sound we like to hear around here.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Reason I love being a mom: Shortstop breakfast palace

Yesterday I came home from work to find my basement converted into a restaurant with a table set for two, complete with table cloth and fancy dishes.  James was waiter and Luca was chef.  Jer and I sat quietly enjoying conversation while the boys worked together upstairs cooking our food.  (And we silently prayed neither boy burned himself)
Our waiter was very polite and proper.  Our chef perfectly cooked our omelets, although he said he almost forgot the ham and thankfully the waiter reminded him before he folded it.  They worked together without a single disagreement.  We left a generous tip.