Tuesday, March 17, 2015

We are enjoying the first signs of spring. Each year there is an element of surprise on that first day when the air is warm enough to shed your jacket. It's almost as if you'd forgotten it was possible during the months of cold. Almost like you doubted if spring would ever actually come. Maybe your memories of past summers, were actually some trick of your imagination. This feeling was heightened when I lived in cold grey upstate NY. But I could see the surprise and excitement on Libby's face when she ran outside in her t-shirt. Tommy was quite perplexed by the grass. I was happy to sit on the step in my barefeet and watch libby ride her bike.
I like spring. I like seasons, and probably, in the fall, I'll be just as glad when the cool breezes start again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to tell you that I love reading your blog... not only for the adorable photos, ...not only for the cute stories about things the kids said or did, ...but also for the mature reflection & commentary momma Joanie provides on life. I love that it reflects such joy and gratitude for being alive. I especially love that, despite the crazy business of life raising 4 kids, you [Joanie] find time to record your feelings in the moment. Thank you. w/Love & Adoration - Mom Mom