Monday, July 28, 2008

5 years later

Here Jer and I (Sporting the horiz stripes) pose on our 5th anniversary. These 5 years have gone by so fast for me. I remember once sitting next to the canal in Seneca Falls with Jer. We knew no one in the whole town. It is a very cold, economically depressed, and socially isolated area. We moved there inorder to be able to complete our respective graduate schools, and we each had an hour commute through the snow belt. We were talking about how depressing it would be to move there without one another, but since we were together it was wonderful. I have beautiful memories of that year even though we were poor, and I was a terrible cook (even the sister missionaries didn't want to come over for dinner).
Wherever Jer is, that is where I want to be. It has been like that since I first met him. I know that I will be happy.

We have been very blessed to have lots of visitors this summer. Here are some of the pics
James, Maddie, Rachelle, and Anthony
Luca and Arianna played wonderfully together. They measured Dinosaur footprints and searched for fossils at the science center.

Aaron, Ashley, Clarissa, Luca, and James
Tommy with 3 friends came down to barbeque before an orioles game
I went to M-burg to "babysit". I had a wonderful time being with my little sis. Here we make a fire and roast marshmellows.

Here we are in Duck NC. Jer dares to enter the sunlight to dig a hole with Luca.

1 comment:

Elysa said...

Your blog and pictures/family are awesome! I was just sifting through old emails from my yahoo account, before I leave it for good, and I came across your blog site. Your family is wonderful.