Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Comfort Objects

This week James's attachment lies with his toy chain saw, (real) screwdriver, and his metal helmet (mixing bowl). He carries them everywhere, and sleeps with them at night. Yes, I'm letting my child sleep with a screwdriver. I've realized that when it comes to a battle of wills, James is infinitely stronger than myself. That metal bowl made quite a startling racket when it fell of his bed at 2AM, but I'm the only one it woke.
One more James story. Lately, he's been experimenting with not telling the truth.

Mom: James did you finish your sandwich?

James: Yes...but don't look!

Mom: Did you clean up your toys?

James: Yes...but don't look!

1 comment:

Parks Family said...

He may have a strong will, but that will come in handy when he grows up. Love his little imagination!