Thursday, September 5, 2019

They're off!

 I have dreaded this day.  But he was full of excitement.  My youngest one is off to kindergarten!  Thus ends my 14 years of having at least one little companion during my days.  I so loved those days.  Now to stop crying and clean my house...
 My older two wanted mug shots this year:). This is a big year for us with first timer, Tommy, James in first year of middle and Luca freshman in highschool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Joanie - - I feel your emotion. I can remember those same feelings when the twins entered kindergarten. As the saying goes, "cleaning and scrubbing can wait for tomorrow, babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow, ... so QUIET DOWN COBWEBS, DUST GO TO SLEEP, ...I'm rocking my babies, and babies don't keep".

I'm so glad you had your priorities straight. Spending precious time with Tommy and the others when they were little is SO important, but definitely under-valued by society. Good for you. Now dry those tears, and smile ... as you've done a great job. You helped them earn their wings.... xoxoxoxo mom