Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Strange times

I never thought I could say this, but other than fewer trips to the grocery store than I can count on one hand, I haven't left my house in a month.
We are keeping busy with remote learning, work (for Jeremiah), and a handful of projects. 
 The kids had time to play together.
 Our Easter dinner.
 Libby decorated the kids' baskets.
 We tried new egg dying techniques.
 We started a garden.
 We've cooked over several wood fires.
 Luca made some very cool spray paint art.
And we discovered that we won't be taking down our Christmas wreath after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Joanie - I check your blog so often, and I was so happy to see great pictures and news of what your family is doing during these surreal days. The "good" that is coming out of all of this is exemplified by your photos and diary. Please tell Libby that her eggs are beautiful, ... and tell Luca that his spray art is amazing. I particularly like the scene of the Washington Monument and the reflecting pool. He is quite the artist! I love you all so much, and simply can't wait til we get to visit in person again. Never in a million years would I have ever thought that things could come to this. Dad and I feel like we are under house arrest! Love, Mom xoxoxoxo