Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Blog Pressure:)

Jeremiah told me it was my turn to post today. I'm told we must keep some regular activity on our blog or our family and friends will stop checking it. So, here are some photos. My family requests some representation on the blog, so I'll try to get everyone in at some point. Here is Luca with his Uncle Tom. Also there is a fairly recent picture from our baby shower for the new baby. We played a game with candy bars melted in diapers. Luca was VERY disturbed by watching his mom-mom taste the contents of a diaper.
Well, I tire easily under the pressure of being interesting. So that is all for today!


The Nielsens said...

I don't know if I like Uncle Tom's shirt that he's wearing in the picture. I think he lives a little closer to the Philly side and should root for that team. (The Seahawks were robbed out of that superbowl!)

Kristina said...

Hey! I was so glad to find you, or so glad that you found me! Look at you a Mom and everything. I'm glad you posted a photo of yourself here because it is just nice to see you! I'm so glad things are going well. I'm so happy to be able to keep in touch a bit. I think the world of you and Jeremiah and it's great to see your little family and know what you are up to. Love, Kristina