Tuesday, March 11, 2008

For those of you who enjoy a good read, check out my thesis from 2005:

It's not really that nerdy, especially in comparison to those of my fellows in the lab:
"Analytical centerline extraction and surface fitting using CT scans for aortic aneurysm repair",
"Polyhedral hull online compositing system" or my personal favorite,
"Theoretical framework and physical measurements of surface and subsurface light scattering from material surfaces"
Don't laugh, I'm sure the posessors of these massive brains are quite content in the knowlege that they can take over the world at a moment's notice with only a few keystrokes.

This blast from the recent past is the result of finding a harddrive from when I was in college. It was like opening a time capsule, and not in a bad way. I found pictures, a journal and even papers i had written. There were even a few long papers I can only describe as manifestos. Who writes papers when they are in college that are not required for any class? Luckily I didn't get to the point where I had the urge to post any of them online. It reminded me of those times when we'd sit around on the couch at 934 stewart eating pilfered meat and arguing until 4 in the morning about how we were going to restructure society once our generation took over.

1 comment:

mike c. said...

Joanie/Jeremiah -- great to hear from you over on our blog. We had wondered recently what had become of you. Joanie, please send Kristina an email at kristinachristopherson at gmail dot com (spelled out to avoid automatic spam) with your email address, she would love to get in touch with you. Also, you guys should post under your own names so your readers can tell which one of you is posting (we obviously haven't stayed in close enough contact to easily tell from the content of your posts).